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Good Morning Meadowbrooke,

We begin our new sermon series this Sunday titled, Christians Say the Darndest Things, Season 2.  I was able to compile a number of things that are often assumed to be okay or true by Christians.  What you will find is that with many of the topics we will cover throughout this series, there is some truth to them depending on what is meant by those statements, such as (in no particular order):

God wants me to be happy.

He/she is in a better place.

You have to love yourself.

You need to live your truth.

Forgive and forget.

God is leading me to...

Some other topics we will cover in this series will include the eternal plight of your pet(s), anger with God, what to do when you are offended, and more. 


My hope and prayer for this sermon series is not only that you find it to be encouraging, but that it will help you see just how awesome and amazing our God really is.  I also want to demonstrate each week that although God has not provided an answer for every question you may have, He has provided a sufficient answer for what matters most.  


So, be sure to be at Meadowbrooke Church this Sunday and invite your friends and family as we kick off the first sermon in this series!



Pastor Keith