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Good Morning Meadowbrooke,

One of my professors had us practice something at the beginning of a course I took as a part of my doctoral program that has stuck with me ever since.  Instead of only reading scripture, my professor had us read a section of Scripture each morning in the Bible thoughtfully and slowly enough to allow the truth of Gods word to settle into our hearts.  So, I would like you to try this same practice with Ephesians 5:1-2 as a way to prepare your mind and heart for this Sundays worship service.  Below is the verse followed by some questions to help you thoughtfully and slowly read this verse.


Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. (Eph. 5:1-2)


So, here are some questions to help you read the above verse thoughtfully and slowly: 

  1. What does it look like to imitate God with your life, in your world (work, community, friends, and family)?
  2. As a beloved child of God, what does it mean to walk in love?  
  3. To what extent did Christ demonstrate His love for you?
  4. How do you walk in love with your speech? 
  5. How do you walk in love in your place of employment?
  6. How do you walk in love with your friends and family?
  7. How do you walk in love as a part of your church family at Meadowbrooke Church?


Why should you take Ephesians 5:1 seriously?  Why are the above questions important?  The answer is simply this, there is a day coming when every careless word we have spoken and every careless deed we have done will be held to account before Jesus on the day of judgment (read Matt. 12:33-37; 1 Cor. 3:1-15); to live your life in light of that reality is how you can walk in wisdom for the purpose of making the most of your time (Eph. 5:15-16).     


I hope to see you this Sunday as we gather as beloved children to worship our great savior during our 9AM and 11AM worship services.



Pastor Keith